The Nerd Daily: Q&A: Talia Tucker, Author of ‘Rules for Rule Breaking’

March 22, 2024

The Nerd Daily: Q&A: Talia Tucker, Author of ‘Rules for Rule Breaking’
Featuring Talia Tucker

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We chat with debut author Talia Tucker about Rules For Rule Breaking, which is a YA rom-com about two Korean American teens forced into a shared college visit road trip where they discover that the reasons they’ve been rivals their entire lives might actually be signs they’re a perfect pair.

Hi, Talia! Can you tell our readers a bit about yourself?

Hi friends! I’m Talia Tucker, a 32-year-old Jamaican/Korean American author based in New Jersey. You can usually find me propped up in bed by my five hundred pillows, watching either a true crime documentary on YouTube or a K-pop idol variety show. I love eating at restaurants with mismatched silverware, and I’ve never met a noodle I didn’t like. Though I love to travel, I don’t do it very often anymore because I can’t stand to leave my two cats, Min-ju and Lady, for more than a few hours.

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#TheNerdDaily #AuthorInterview
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